My Family inspires me every moment of every day and they truly amaze me! Our daughter Tianna is my sunshine, she brightens up any room she goes into and her laugh, OMG LOVE it!  She is beautiful, talented, and oh so smart! Our son Chase is our little ball of fire, he is so much fun to just sit and listen to and watch, he surpsies us every day withi things he says or does and has such a fabulous imagination!

My Husband… How can I really put this into a sentance? He amazes me, He inspires me, he is the air that I need to breath. My husband is someone and something I thought I would never have in my life and I dont think I tell him enough of how deeply I appreciate him and Love him so much.

Thank you Casey, T and Chase for making me who I am today and continuing to keep my laughing and smiling every moment! I love you all!



The above photos were taken by my beautiful and Uber talented BFF Gretchen Meyers!

