These are my Christmas Blessings- My Children and hubby Casey!

I had to laugh and share with you the exact personalities of both of my children. We went to look for our annual Christmas tree at a local farm in North Plains, the kids Are sooooooo excited for Christmas and “tree Hunting” so they thought or my daughter thought shall I say. The moment we step our feet on the muddy grounds of the tree farm, she says “mom ewwwwwww gross, I cant walk in this stuff” and then after making it over to the trees themselves, Im looking all around and see no Tianna?? I look up and over to the same spot we started out in and she hasnt moved a muscle! “Tianna come on over and help us find a good tree” … “mommmmm its pokey over there” !! LOL
I had to laugh! what a girl! Chase ofcourse was all game for chainsaws and cutting things down ofcourse and this was the devious face to proove so…

My son’s devious look and was ready to cut a tree down!


and my Daughters not so devious girly girl look


Ahhh yes this is what we wake up to every morning and I wouldnt trade it for the world!!!

