Suavie Island Portraits | Proctor Family

Sauvie Island Family Photographer

What a lucky duck I am to be able to photograph monumental times in families such as these cuties. I was honored to photograph the very beginning of their journey into family life and now as they are a happy family of four, I took them out to Sauvie Island and we roamed and played and even picked an apple 😉

I loved the colors and style of their clothing choices for their session, perfect for a winter shoot. And what a perfect location we chose for their family Portraits. The old oak trees, the winter branches and old apple trees plus a historic home to boot made for a gorgeous backdrop for this playful family. It was such a pleasure photographing their playfulness and sweet cuddles, this is family life and loving every moment of it!

What a beautiful family you have and I am excited to share my faves from our beautiful evening.

Sauvie Island Portraits Deyla Huss Photography Sauvie Island Portraits Deyla Huss Photography Sauvie Island Portraits Deyla Huss Photography Portland Family Photographer Portland Family Photographer Portland Family Photographer Portland Family Photographer Sauvie Island Portraits Deyla Huss Photography